“I found dis filthy dirty lil street kid, took him home, washed him an neva gave him back”.
This is how Ninja from Die Antwoord introduced Tokkie to their fanbase almost 10 years ago. To him, it is like he picked up some piece of junk while out on a walk, wiped one side clean, put it his pocket and shoved it into a drawer once he got back home just to be forgotten about.
So let’s talk about Tokkie, and then let him speak for himself…
Similarly to Russians denying that there is a war in Ukraine, claiming that the entire thing is staged, there is nothing that will convince the gaslit fan or supporter of Die Antwoord of the fact that Ninja and Yo-Landi are predatory abusers. Some of the typical and expected reaction from Die Antwoord’s die hard fans:
“I don‘t know, the kid seems fucked up.”
“I got bored halfway through. He stabbed his brother, the kid has problems.”
“We are hearing one side of the story. I can‘t judge based on what I hear in this video.”
This article is not for the fans. This is about a victim speaking up for himself. There are countless stories, all pointing to how Die Antwoord ruined the life of impressionable and vulnerable adopted son, Tokkie (Gabriel Du Preez) since he met them. Imagine yourself at that vulnerable age. You haven’t hit puberty yet, you live in abject poverty, your father is out of the picture and your single parent mother’s body is ravaged by cancer. Then these “saviors” with money and international fame arrive out of nowhere and adopt you and your younger sister (not your brother) and then in stead of nurturing you or giving you a safe haven, they systematically manipulate you, gaslight you, use you as a prop for their art projects, expose you to drugs, violence and sex. They introduce you to murderous gangsters. They leave you behind in South Africa with unqualified child minders while they tour overseas. Sometimes they take you along on tour, but they dress you up and put you on world stages to close some of their shows by swearing at the fans in the crowd. Then, when you’re too old to be their cute son, or their free employer as an actor for their music videos or movie projects, you get cast aside like a ragdoll.
Your childhood was robbed from you. All of a sudden you’re 20 years old because your childhood was molded and ruled by absolute bullshit art by people who divide and conquer all along the way and you have nothing to show for it. Your shitty circumstances and background was used as an opportunity to be monetized and broadcast to the world. A massive front. You never had a fighting chance to be a kid or to grow as a person. How do you think you will turn out? It is an endless repetitive tornado of abuse and predatory behavior by Ninja (Waddy Jones) and Yo-Landi Visser (Anri Du Toit), spanning over more than a decade.
This was a comment from a reader on one of the earlier articles three years ago (2019):
It truly disturbs me that they have so many impressionable children in such close proximity to their messy train wreck of a life. Ninja is clearly abusive and not a stable person, Yolandi is just as bad as him. I cannot even fathom what it must be like to grow up around such chaos. I cannot imagine anyone deeming them a stable, enriching home for children. It just shows you that money talks. Being rich doesn’t mean you make good parents, and it’s concerning that they were allowed to adopt these kids that they clearly can’t be bothered with properly raising in a stable environment.
“I cannot even fathom what it must be like to grow up around such chaos.” This question gets answered today. In a 44 minute long interview from around a month ago, Tokkie opened up to Ben Jay Crossman about his time with Die Antwoord as their adopted son. Ben doesn’t live in South Africa anymore and had a cameraman go to Tokkie’s subburb of Fietas. Ben and Tokkie had an audio call over WhatsApp and the cameraman filmed Tokkie while he spoke to Ben.
Adopted son Tokkie breaks the silence on the abuse and grooming he suffered at the hands of Ninja and Yo-Landi from Die Antwoord:
There is no way of knowing if Waddy and Anri will ever be held accountable for their actions. Jimmy Savile managed to gaslight the entire British nation for more than 50 years and he got off 100% scot free, even though he was first reported to the police way back in 1955. He also preyed on the vulnerable, because he was this massively popular TV personality and their stories were less likely to be believed, had they ever had to speak up. Only after after his death in 2011, an investigation prompted more than 450 horrific allegations of sexual assault and abuse, with victims as young as 5. His headstone, bearing the inscription “it was good while it lasted” is very telling of these caliber of super narcists.
The guy with the bigger microphone always seems to win in the end…
What happened on the set of Die Antwoord’s feature film, Die Blom van Sokwana?
Watkykjy staan op 3,091,364 post views in totaal sedert 1 November, 2019.
We need a Thanos moment. there are too many people on earth that is just a waste of space