In ‘n era waar die fokken pandemie ‘n groot gedeelte van die wêreld tot stilstand gedwing het, streef die eteriese rockgroep SOM, daarna om produktief te bly. Hulle debuutalbum The Fall het in 2018 uitgekom en die ouens het beplan om die volgende een in 2020 uit te reik, maar die lockdown het dit opgefok en die manne het ge-improvise en ‘n EP genaamd Awake uitgebring. Hulle volgende album is egter stek op pad – The Shape of Everything word einde Januarie release en jy kan solank na die een van due tunes vanaf die ablum luister – Moment.
SOM musiek kan as shoegaze (of dream pop) beskryf word met airy vocal lines en as jy ‘n fan is van Deftones, MBV en Tame Impala, sal jy hierdie ouens moerse like!
Oor die album en video tune hulle:
We wanted The Shape of Everything to open with something heavy and dark, but also offer some tangible hopefulness as well. So pretty early on in the writing process, ‘Moment’ felt like the right place to start the record. It covers a lot of the sonic territory, tone, and melody we explore within this album. I was also really conscious of working to break up the wall-of-sound guitar approach in places this time around, so the chorus section became a sort of Helmet-influenced start-stop riff that works around the vocals and hopefully adds some immediacy and energy to the song. When it came time to shoot the video, Justin (our bass player) and cinematographer Alex Pace rode their motorcycles out into the Colorado desert and camped overnight so they could film the sunrise. We’d talked about the lyrics having a sort of existential bent that opens up a lot of the album’s themes, and Justin’s video is a beautiful collage that captures the emotion of it all in a compelling way. You can see how cold his hands are clawing into the sand, and that feels like a perfect metaphor for the past two years.
Watkykjy staan op 3,055,965 post views in totaal sedert 1 November, 2019.