‘n Groepie takhare het in 1985 Los Angeles uit die bloute uit aan die ballas begin rondruk en groot opslae gemaak. Een van rock ‘n roll se mees iconic albums ooit is 31 jaar gelede release – Guns ‘n Roses se Appetite for Destruction. Dit is tot vandag toe nog die beste verkoper van ‘n Amerikaanse debuutalbum wêreldwyd ooit – hulle het oor die 30 miljoen copies van die rakke af laat spat toe hulle daai outjie losgelaat het op 21 Julie, 1987.
Jy weet nou al teen hierdie tyd dat Guns ‘n Roses in Johannesburg gaan kom jol op 29 November, 2018 by die FNB Stadium. Gaan kokkenodge hierso of daar nog tickets oor is en kry vir jou – ons het sommer ‘n 60 seater bus gereel vir al ons tjommies, so ons gaan fokken groot gaan! Wat jy maybe nog nie weet nie, is dat Guns ‘n Roses besluit het om ‘n remastered version van Appetite For Destruction te release. Daai release datum, wêreldwyd, is vandag en die manne het super large gegaan met hierdie ene. Daar is verskeie weergawes van Appetite se nuwe release, so probeer om by te hou. Ons het ook befokte pryse om weg te geem komplimente van oom Axl en sy takhaar tjommies, so lees mooi en kyk wat jy moet doen om ‘n fokken awesome prys te wen!
Hierdie remastered release is vir die true GnFnR fans, so kom ons begin sommer straight met die totally fokken insane item – die groot doos:
Appetite For Destruction: Locked ‘n Loaded Edition Box Set.
Alles wat saam met hierdie box set kom, word verpak in ‘n 30cm x 30cm x 30cm houtboks wat met fake leer oorgetrek is. Voorop die houtkissie is daar ‘n driedimensionele iconic GnR kruis – daai ene wat jy op die album sien met die sculls. Hierdie ding moet ‘n fokken ton weeg. Jy kan die Guns N’ Roses Appetite For Destruction: Locked N’ Loaded Edition box set hierso order. Let wel, daar is wêreldwyd net 10,000 van hierdie box sets beskikbaar. Dit is fokken duur, maar hierdie outjie gaan goud werd wees oor so paar jaar. Dis highly collectible, en as dit uitverkoop is, is dit uitverkoop. Tickets, bra. Moertoe. Ek sit self byvoorbeeld met ‘n sealed Rammstein box set wat in die laaste paar jaar reeds met R1500 opgegaan het in waarde.
Wat is alles in die Guns ‘n Roses doos? In kort: 4 x CDs , 1 x BluRay, 7 x 12-inch LPs, 7 x 7-inches LP, Hardbound Book, ‘n kakhuis vol memorobilia, posters, tickets stubs, fotos en prints. Check die kiekies hieronder ook.
1. Welcome To The Jungle
2. It’s So Easy
3. Nightrain
4. Out Ta Get Me
5. Mr. Brownstone
6. Paradise City
7. My Michelle
8. Think About You
9. Sweet Child O’ Mine
10. You’re Crazy
11. Anything Goes
12. Rocket Queen
1. Reckless Life
2. Nice Boys
3. Move To The City (Live)
4. Mama Kin
5. Shadow Of Your Love (Live)
6. You’re Crazy (Acoustic Version)
7. Patience
8. Used To Love Her
9. You’re Crazy
10. It’s So Easy (Live)
11. Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door (Live)
12. Whole Lotta Rosie (Live)
Previously unreleased
1. Welcome To The Jungle (1986 Sound City Session)
2. Nightrain (1986 Sound City Session)
3. Out Ta Get Me (1986 Sound City Session)
4. Paradise City (1986 Sound City Session)
5. My Michelle (1986 Sound City Session)
6. Think About You (1986 Sound City Session)
7. You’re Crazy (1986 Sound City Session)
8. Anything Goes (1986 Sound City Session)
9. Rocket Queen (1986 Sound City Session)
10. Shadow Of Your Love (1986 Sound City Session)
11. Heartbreak Hotel (1986 Sound City Session)
12. Jumpin’ Jack Flash (1986 Sound City Session)
Previously unreleased
1. Shadow Of Your Love
2. Move To The City (1986 Sound City Session)
3. Ain’t Goin’ Down No More
(Instrumental Version – 1986 Sound City Session)
4. The Plague (1986 Sound City Session)
5. Nice Boys (1986 Sound City Session)
6. Back Off Bitch (1986 Sound City Session)
7. Reckless Life (1986 Sound City Session)
8. Mama Kin (1986 Sound City Session)
9. New Work Tune (1986 Sound City Session)
10. November Rain (Piano Version – 1986 Sound City Session)
11. Move To The City (Acoustic Version – 1986 Sound City Session)
12. You’re Crazy (Acoustic Version – 1986 Sound City Session)
13. November Rain (Acoustic Version – 1986 Sound City Session)
14. Jumpin’ Jack Flash (Acoustic Version- 1986 Sound City Session)
15. Move To The City (1988 Acoustic Version)
96kHz 24-bit 5.1 Surround Sound & Remastered Stereo
1. Welcome To The Jungle
2. It’s So Easy
3. Nightrain
4. Out Ta Get Me
5. Mr. Brownstone
6. Paradise City
7. My Michelle
8. Think About You
9. Sweet Child O’ Mine
10. You’re Crazy
11. Anything Goes
12. Rocket Queen
1. Shadow Of Your Love
2. Patience*
3. Used To Love Her
4. You’re Crazy
5. Move To The City (1988 Acoustic Version)
1. Welcome To The Jungle
2. Sweet Child O’ Mine
3. Paradise City
4. Patience
5. It’s So Easy (Brand New Video From 1989)
Dis ‘n fokken mal storie, right? Goeie fok!
Laat hierdie bra deur die box set met julle draf om dalk ‘n beter idee te kry:
Nog so bietjie info oor die audio self:
Additional highlights of the unreleased audio include the first two work-in-progress recording attempts of the 1991 epic masterpiece “November Rain” which was originally penned as the ballad for Appetite, covers of songs like Elvis Presley’s “Heartbreak Hotel,” Aerosmith’s “Mama Kin,” two distinctly different recordings of the Rolling Stones’ “Jumpin’ Jack Flash” (one electric, one acoustic) and two never finished tracks/jams “The Plague” and “New Work Tune.”
On the vinyl front, the original Appetite For Destruction album has been broadened to 2LPs for the first time, including expanded gatefold jacket art and a limited-edition foil printed plastic slipcase. The music itself is being presented on three sides only for maximum audio fidelity, with the fourth side featuring a vinyl Hologroove Hologram of the band’s iconic logo. Seven 7-inch singles are also included: the five original singles from the album, plus one for “Patience” and a new song, the aforementioned “Shadow Of Your Love.” All of the bonus tracks appearing on 12-inch vinyl will only be available in the Locked N’ Loaded Edition box including a reissue of the band’s first EP Live ?!«@ Like A Suicide.
The Blu-ray Audio disc contains the 12 tracks from the original album as newly mixed in glorious 96kHz 24-bit 5.1 surround sound from the original multitracks by legendary producer Elliot Scheiner (Steely Dan, Eagles), plus 5 bonus tracks mixed in 5.1 surround sound by both Scheiner and Frank Filipetti (Billy Joel, Elton John). Additionally, the Blu-ray includes four iconic GN’R music videos that have been newly sync’d to both remastered stereo audio and new 5.1 surround sound mixes, plus a brand-new video for “It’s So Easy” that was shot in 1989 by the band but was never completely finished — until now in 4K HD from 16mm film transfers.
Daar is collectibles ook in die box set:
Exclusive collectibles inside the box include a dozen 12×12-inch lithos of new illustrations visualizing each Appetite track, 5 custom buttons with various band logos, 5 custom hand-sculpted metal-cast band skull face rings, 5 custom hand-sculpted metal-cast band skull face lapel pins, a replica of the band’s first stage banner from the ‘85/’86 club days, a bandana, a 2-inch collector’s coin with unique imagery stamped on both sides, 2 24×36-inch wall posters, a 12×24-inch Robert Williams painting litho, 5 never-before-seen band lithos, 6 replica gig flyers, 3 replicas of classic show ticket stubs, two temporary tattoo sheets featuring life-size tattoos of the band members’ tats, 6 iron-on stitched patches, 5 metal-stamped guitar picks of the band skull faces with stamped signatures on the back, a turntable mat, a microfiber vinyl cleaning cloth, a 7-inch large-hole custom adapter, and finally, a 32gb metal-cast USB stick with 192kHz/24-bit, 96kHz/24-bit, and 44.1kHz/16-bit uncompressed audio files of all of the tracks included on the 4 CDs.
As jy nie daai box set tipe zak het nie, kan jy altyd kyk na die super deluxe setup wat bestaan uit 4 x CDs, 1 x BluRay en ‘n hard cover book.
By the way, die boek is ‘n 96-pager wat unreleased fotos feature van Axl Rose se persoonlike archive en collection.
- Welcome To The Jungle
- It’s So Easy
- Nightrain
- Out Ta Get Me
- Mr. Brownstone
- Paradise City
- My Michelle
- Think About You
- Sweet Child O’ Mine
- You’re Crazy
- Anything Goes
- Rocket Queen
- Reckless Life
- Nice Boys
- Move To The City (Live)
- Mama Kin
- Shadow Of Your Love (Live)
- You’re Crazy (Acoustic Version)
- Patience
- Used To Love Her
- You’re Crazy
- It’s So Easy (Live)
- Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door (Live)
- Whole Lotta Rosie (Live)
Previously unreleased
- Welcome To The Jungle (1986 Sound City Session)
- Nightrain (1986 Sound City Session)
- Out Ta Get Me (1986 Sound City Session)
- Paradise City (1986 Sound City Session)
- My Michelle (1986 Sound City Session)
- Think About You (1986 Sound City Session)
- You’re Crazy (1986 Sound City Session)
- Anything Goes (1986 Sound City Session)
- Rocket Queen (1986 Sound City Session)
- Shadow Of Your Love (1986 Sound City Session)
- Heartbreak Hotel (1986 Sound City Session)
- Jumpin’ Jack Flash (1986 Sound City Session)
- Shadow Of Your Love
- Move To The City (1986 Sound City Session)
- Ain’t Goin’ Down No More
(Instrumental Version – 1986 Sound City Session) - The Plague (1986 Sound City Session)
- Nice Boys (1986 Sound City Session)
- Back Off Bitch (1986 Sound City Session)
- Reckless Life (1986 Sound City Session)
- Mama Kin (1986 Sound City Session)
- New Work Tune (1986 Sound City Session)
- November Rain (Piano Version – 1986 Sound City Session)
- Move To The City (Acoustic Version – 1986 Sound City Session)
- You’re Crazy (Acoustic Version – 1986 Sound City Session)
- November Rain (Acoustic Version – 1986 Sound City Session)
- Jumpin’ Jack Flash (Acoustic Version– 1986 Sound City Session)
- Move To The City (1988 Acoustic Version)
96kHz 24-bit 5.1 Surround Sound & Remastered Stereo
- Welcome To The Jungle
- It’s So Easy
- Nightrain
- Out Ta Get Me
- Mr. Brownstone
- Paradise City
- My Michelle
- Think About You
- Sweet Child O’ Mine
- You’re Crazy
- Anything Goes
- Rocket Queen
- Shadow Of Your Love
- Patience
- Used To Love Her
- You’re Crazy
- Move To The City (1988 Acoustic Version)
MUSIC VIDEOS - Welcome To The Jungle
- Sweet Child O’ Mine
- Paradise City
- Patience
- It’s So Easy (Brand New Video From 1989)
Dan is daar ook ‘n Guns ‘n Roses Appetite For Destruction Deluxe edition met 2 CDs:
- Welcome To The Jungle
- It’s So Easy
- Nightrain
- Out Ta Get Me
- Brownstone
- Paradise City
- My Michelle
- Think About You
- Sweet Child O’ Mine
- You’re Crazy
- Anything Goes
- Rocket Queen
- Reckless Life
- Nice Boys
- Move To The City (Live)
- Mama Kin
- Shadow Of Your Love (Live)
- Welcome To The Jungle (1986 Sound City Session)
- Nightrain (1986 Sound City Session)
- Out Ta Get Me (1986 Sound City Session)
- Paradise City (1986 Sound City Session)
- My Michelle (1986 Sound City Session)
- Shadow Of Your Love
- It’s So Easy (Live)
- Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door (Live)
- Whole Lotta Rosie (Live)
- You’re Crazy (Acoustic Version)
- Patience
- Used To Love Her
- Move To The City (1988 Acoustic Version)
So hoe kan jy bietjie GnFnR merch wen? Wat moet jy doen?
Kom ons maak dit eenvoudig:
- Vat enige song vanaf Guns ‘n Roses se Appetite For Destruction album en maak vir ons ‘n kort video van min of meer so tussen 30 sekondes en ‘n 1 minuut lank.
- Jy kan saamsing, opdress, dit in ‘n band jol, dit animate, dit in traffic in jou kar sing, op jou fiets sing, in die stort sing. Net waddefok jy wil. Maak dit so entertaining as moontlik om seker te maak jy staan ‘n kans om te wen.
- Jy kan ook besluit om enige van die songs te review in die video as jy wil – moenie boring wees nie. Bring jou A-game.
- Jy kan ook vir ons vertel wat jou favourite song vanaf die album is en hoekoem – weereens, geen boredom nie, samblief.
- Sorg dat die video by ons uitkom op een van die volgende maniere:
– laai dit op YouTube en email die link na griffin@watkykjy.co.za OF
– laai dit op na ‘n file sharing site en stuur ons die link na griffin@watkykjy.co.za- - Maak seker die klank en beeld is van goeie gehalte. Mens moet darem kan sien en hoor wat aangaan om in aanmerking te kom vir die prys.
- Kompetisie sluit Saterdag, 21 Julie om middernag. Ons het daai datum gekies omdat dit Appetite For Destruction se oorspronklike release date was in 1987.
Nie vir ‘n fok die box set nie! Ons is nie van fokken Bitcoin gemaak nie!
- 1ste Prys – 1 x Vinyl PLUS 1 x deluxe 2 CD Edition
- 2de Prys – 1 x deluxe 2 CD Edition
- 3de Prys – 1 x 1 CD Remastered Edition
Volg Guns ‘n Roses op al hulle social channels:
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