Ons het julle verlede week vertel van Aking se nuwe music video, Prey To The Birds. Hulle nuutste enetjie, In Loving Memory is ‘n befokte film noir video. Jy kan nou rooiwyn drink, ‘n diep snuif vat en jou tjommies tune “Ek weet wat film noir is, hoor”.
Die lyrics is hieronder die video, sodat jy saam kan sing terwyl jy aan jou rooiwyn teug.
“Wouldn’t say it to just anyone
Lying on the edge of the bed,
Mind already made up
Leave, I need to leave
Make new roots along the way
Best intentions went to hell and gone
Never felt so right and so damn wrong all at once
Made a narrow escape
From your smothering embrace
In loving memory of what could’ve been
A moment of silence sinks in
Shake me by the shoulders, it‘s only a dream
We carry our homes with us
Salvation is on the run
From time to time we catch a glimpse of what it cedes us
Unlock the gates
For uncertainty awaits
Doesn’t matter where we end up
There are repercussions if you become your reputation
Why hesitate?
Why get lost in yesterday?
In loving memory of what could’ve been
A moment of silence sinks in
Shake me by the shoulders, it‘s only a dream
We carry our homes with us
We carry our homes with us.”
Watkykjy staan op 3,067,173 post views in totaal sedert 1 November, 2019.