Steve blaas rooi balonne op en sing die stem wherever hy kans kry om kak te stir. Sunette maak haar eie syfers op oor plaasmoord victims en laat mense aapkap gaan op haar Facebook page. Bok Van Blerk gaan haal hom daar by die boereoorlog met De La Rey en oogklap-Afrikaners misenterpreteer die tune en waai die ou vlag dat jy net oranje en blou sien spat. Dit was seker maar net ‘n kwessie van tyd voordat iemand van die ander kant van hom laat hoor het en hierdie bra is Dookoom (waarvan ons jou so paar weke terug vertel het). Sover shock value betref, beat hierdie bra’s Die Antwoord met hulle boxers om hulle enkels.
Dookoom tune dat hulle nie probeer om geweld aan te blaas nie, maar eerder om debat uit te lok. Dis wel interessant om die ander kant te sien sover dit die behandeling van plaaswerkers aangaan, veral in die Wes-Kaap. En vir die ouens wat maklik hulle panties bekak, moenie worry nie, daai organisasie wat almal hof toe vat, AfriForum, is klaar op hierdie bra se case, of soos slim mense dit sou noem: free fokken publicity.
Gareth Wilson (Southern Gypsie Queen, Coelacanth) het dit dalk die raakste opgesom:
I am not and have never endorsed songs promoting any sorts of unnecessary violence, so this is by no means my stamp of approval for the Dookoom video. I do however find it very rich that Steve Hofmeyer is calling them irresponsible. I read the interview with the band and can see that they aren’t promoting farm murders as much as they are trying to make people aware of the struggles of these farm workers. Despite the fact that I really enjoyed the bands set at Koppi and they were extremely polite and friendly to work with I do think it’s a little naive to think that the general public won’t see this as hate speech. I am always the first to rip into the likes of Sunette Bridges, Steve Hofmeyer, Jakkie Louw etc and believe everybody should be painted with the same brush. Wether the intention was to make people aware of farm workers struggles or not I do think this song is going to cause unnecessary tension in a country already divided.
So sonder om jou kak te verloor, check die video. Dis actually moerse fokken goed aanmekaargesit:
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