Thanks vir almal wat hulle votes ge-cast het vir Albert Frost in die Doritos Be Heard contest. Sonder julle votes het hy dalk net tweede plek gekry. Hy het toe wragtag gewen. ‘n Klomp zak en alles en nog wat. Check sommer sy website ook uit.
Hy tune op Vleisboek:
“Thanks to all of your votes, I won the Grand Prize in the online Doritos Global Star search Competition!! Thank you for your support!! You are all world-class fans! Your dedication to this cause has proved to be of the highest standard. I’m truly blessed with exceptional fans, friends and family! ..and I’m amazed and honoured by all the giants on which shoulders I stand – who stand by me. Thanks again! You all rock!”
Watkykjy staan op 3,073,905 post views in totaal sedert 1 November, 2019.