Onnosel bliksems sal altyd aanhou probeer, maar ek speel maar saam:
Quoting Prince Aminu Hassan <************@mac.com>:
Dear Sir,
I am a spokesman of Akwatia Community in Eastern Region of Ghana, the largest
gold producing area of Ghana in West Africa.
As earlier discussed, we have after a long court case won our right over a
Gold Concession and have been in a small-scale mining business for the past
nine months. We presently have a quantity of 250kgs of Alluvial Gold Dust of
23+ Carats purity and selling at a very reasonable price.
We need a direct buyer abroad who can buy the commodity and possibly go into
partnership agreement with us, as to front us and also acquire the necessary
modern mining equipments to improve our mining capacity and skills.
You will be needed to come to Ghana and visit and inspect our mining site for
appropriate measures to be put in place while we make shipment preparation
for the 150kgs on ground. Two delegates (an associate and I ) will be going
back with you along with the commodity so that you can pay us after assay
report and smelting over there.
Please write me urgently if you are eligible and interested.
Yours truly,
Prince Aminu Hassan
Goeie dag,
Baie dankie vir jou aanbod, maar jy praat absolute kak en jyself is ‘n stink stuk kak wat probeer om mense te beroof. Julle skurke dink julle is slim, maar eintlik is jy verskriklik fokken onnosel. Om vir jou te bweys hoe dom jy is, gaan ek vir jou ‘n paar vrae in my eie taal vra. Jy gaan tien teen een probeer om my weer te mail omdat jy dink dat jy iets uit my uit gaan kry.
Ek gaan jou dan terugmail van ‘n ander adres af, moontlik ‘n foto van jou kry en jou naam doos maak soos ek met baie ander mense al gedoen het. Dan gaan ek dit op hierdie bladsy op die net sit. Raai, hier is jou vra:
1. Is jy onnosel gebliksem of het jy skeef uit jou ma uitgeklim?
2. Dink jy regtig dat mense actually nog vir hierdie stront val?
3. Hoekom is jou piel so kort?
4. Wat kyk jy?
Cheers jou blerrie doos. Ek hoor seker weer binnekort van jou.
Sy edelagbare,
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