pokemonster maak vir baba bang
Wim Davel
[ In die Afreakaner se ewigdurende stryd teen Satanisme (nog ‘n klaarblyklike “swart” gevaar), is deur wkj? besluit om die meegaande artikel te plaas. Die boodskap is onderskep deur Angola Badprop en word volledig ongeredigeer geplaas. Dit lees veel beter so. Julle sal sien. ]
Neem 5 minute van jou tyd en red jou kind se lewe! PASSOP!!! satan is besig om onbewuselik met ons kinders te speel al lyk dit hoe onskuldig.
Eers ‘n paar briewe van ouers.
Parent 1
My 4 year old son has been introduced to these pokemon discs +- 1 week ago through friends at the creche. Since then he has requested for simba chips on a daily basis (he never liked simba chips), with the ulterior motive to collect these pokemon discs. This is not the only strange behaviour he has developed, bet he spends most of his time playing with these discs and he even sleeps with them and ignores other favourate activities. Worst of all he speaks about evil things.
Having read this article, below mentioned, I recal my son having rentless nights sleep (possible nightmares) recently. This is enough reason for me to believe that the pokemons are evil. Believe it or not – but remember prevention is better than cure. Your child is important.
Ouer 2
Ek het drie seuns en hulle het ‘n versameling van ongeveer ‘n 100+ van die goed gehad. My kleintjie is 5 jaar oud en hy kry epelepsie wat redelik onder beheer is maar in die laaste paar dae het hy dit redelik gereeld gekry tot my kommer. Nou ja dit was met die ander twee nie minder beter nie. Hulle het geweier om huiswerk te doen tot ek die goed in die asblik gegooi het en hulle elkeen met ‘n loesing kamer toe gestuur het. Ek moet sê omstandighede het handomkeer verander nadat ek die goed weggegooi het.
Sterkte met jou kind. Gooi die goed onmiddelik weg en moet liewer nie weer simba koop nie. Jy is besig om die duiwel en al sy demone in jou huis en jou gesin toe te laat.
Parent 3
Watch out people beware of the satanic pokemon discs. My child was collecting them and her head started to rotate, and words like “buy more” and “watch tv” started to appear on her back, she also curses us all the time now and the bad thing is, its in Latin so we dont really understand.
Parent 4
Hi all
Please be aware of the pokemon chips (round discs) found in the chips packets. Children have become obsessed with these and they start to collect them to compete with their friends. Not knowing that these discs are demonic and the more you collect, the stronger the hold on your child.
There has been innocent children that committed suicide, saying that “ash” the name on one of the discs, is calling them to some place. The most recent being a 14 year old child in Durban that hung himself and left a note for his parents saying that he’s gone to join “ash” in a much better place. Apparently this child was always talking about “ash and his parents had no idea what or who “ash” was. Now it is to late. There has been similar incidents in Verulam, Durban.
If your kids have these discs at home, please burn them immidiately and educate your kids about this thing that satan has introduced to them. Also pray over your kids daily and cover them with The Blood of Jesus Christ.
My son was also collecting the pokemon discs and one night he awoke and told me that there’s something in his room and couldn’t sleep. At that time I didn’t know about these demonic discs, so I told him to go and sleep with his brother.
After hearing about the pokemon he got rid of them and never complained when he slept in his room. Churches in Pretoria have been preaching about this pokemon and how destructive it is.
Die skrywer van hierdie artikel
Hier is so ‘n bietjie persoonlike ondervinding. My dogtertjie is vier jaar oud, weet wie Liewe JESUS is, gehoorsaam aan ons, goeie maniere en ongelooflik liefdefol – sy is ‘n wonderlike kind en ‘n ware geskenk van GOD.
Ongeveer drie weke gelede het sy met een van hierdie goed (pokemon skyfie) by die huis aangekom van die kleuterskool af en ek en my vrou het nie veel daarvan gedink nie. Sy het in ‘n mate ‘n opsessie oor hierdie skyfie ontwikkel. As ons winkels toe gaan wou sy net simba chips hê met pokemon (ons het dit nie gekoop nie want dit is iets wat sy nog nooit van tevore van gehou het nie). Sy wou nie meer in haar kamer slaap nie want sy sê daar is ‘n monster. Sy wou nie meer alleen badkamer toe gaan nie want sy was ewe skielik bang vir die donker.
Hierdie kind was in haar jong lewe nog nooit bang vir die donker nie. Ons het maar gedink iemand het haar bang gemaak vir die donker en sy het maar saam met ons geslaap en as sy na die badkamer wou gaan het ek of my vrou maar saam gegaan.
Ongeveer twee weke terug het ons by vriende gekuier en daar het sy nog twee van hierdie skyfies in die simba chips pakke gekry. Haar gedrag het na die slegte vererger. Sy het verskriklik ongehoorsaam geword. Sy het nagmerries begin kry en in ‘n vreemde stem en taal in haar slaap begin praat. Ek en my vrou was erg geskok maar het nie geweet wat fout was nie.
Een oggend ongeveer ‘n week gelede nadat my vrou opgestaan het om reg te maak vir werk het die kleintjie ook wakker geword. Sy het nog nooit in haar lewe 05:15 opgestaan nie. Sy moet elke oggend wakker gemaak word vir kleuterskool.
My vrou was besig om koffie te maak toe die kleintjie langs haar kom staan het en vir haar sê “mamma jy is vieslik”. My vrou het natuurlik in trane uitgebars en kon glo wat sy so pas uit haar stukkie hemel gehoor het nie. Die kind het in haar lewe nog nooit so iets aan ons gesê nie.
Dit het ons die hele dag gepla en ongeveer 12:00 daardie middag bel my vrou my en sê sy weet wat fout is met ons kind. Sy het toe hierdie skokkende e-pos aan my gestuur wat sy by haar werk gekry het. Ons het die pokemon skywe onmiddelik by haar weggevat en dit verbrand. Wonder bo wonder het ons dogtertjie terug verander na wie sy was.
Wees gewaarsku – moenie met vuur speel nie. Vat dit by jou kind en vernietig dit. As jy dit hou is jy besig om al satan se demoniese kragte in jou huis in te nooi. Besef een ding – satan is magtig – maar gelukkig weet ons, ONS GOD IS ALMAGTIG!!!
Wim Davel
Hier is ‘n verkorte gedeelte uit die artikel.
“These discs are from hell – once your child has collected the whole set – you open yourself and your family to all the demons of hell! More proof is that microsoft is releasing a new opperating system called “windomon 2000”. If this is not proof that you should burn these terrable things, simple maths should help: there are 30 pokemon discs to collect of the 180 that are in production, devide 180 by 30 you get 6 (the first 6) then devide 30 by the 5 powers that they have and you get 6 (the second 6). The fact that 1 in every 7 packets does not have one in them – you minus the 1 from the 7 and you get 6 (the third 6). That is 666!!! – the mark of the beast! Also if you take the word “pokemon” turn the “p” upside down it becomes a “d” and if you move the “d” 2 spaces on it reads “ok demon” and the company that is selling these demonic discs are fully responsible and know full well that they are contributing to the new world order!!! After all the name simba – or how it should really be pronounced…. “sim – ba” which is Egyption sanscript for “the devil”! Stay away before you lose your very sole! You have been warned! the devil is inside your chips and
your children!”
Kom ons stuit hierdie nare verskynsel voor dit te laat is. Probeer hierdie boodskap na so veel as moontlik mense of organisasies stuur.
Vriende groete,
Wim Davel
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